It is tempting, in this season of waiting, to rush ahead, to bury myself in seed catalogues and dreams of summer’s warmth and days spent hiking. Or, you know, a time when snow and freezing rain doesn’t restrict my daily bike commute.
Bellingham has been especially wintry this year, and while February always tends toward the ennui of pent-up energies, it has been particularly hard this year to remind myself that the waiting is important.
Time to plan, time to renew, time to lay the groundwork for a better future, whether in the garden or in our world.
Time, too, to savor the beauty of a quieter season.
And if you’re ready to give in to the garden planning impulse, I heartily recommend GrowJourney. They offer a seeds-of-the-month plan, with seeds customized for your region and garden size. In addition to the seed subscription, their website has a wealth of information for gardeners of all experience levels.
Perfect for whiling away a snowy afternoon, dreaming of all manner of vegetal extravagance.

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